Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Full-timers and part-timers see the boss differently ? Business ...

Question: ?The five part-time people in this office don?t like our manager. However, my co-worker and I, who work full-time, like him very much. We wanted to take him to lunch for Boss?s Day, but the part-timers wouldn?t agree, so we did nothing. For the holidays, we wanted to give our manager a group gift, but the part-time employees refused to share the cost. When the two of us bought our own gift, the part-timers wanted their names added to the card.?? In the future, how should we handle these situations??? ?Divided Office

Answer: Instead of trying to force a false consensus, you and your coworker should simply honor your boss as you see fit.? If you ask him to lunch on Boss?s Day, choose a place that everyone can afford and issue an open invitation.? The part-timers can decide whether they wish to attend. ?

During the holidays, employees should neither be forced to buy the boss a gift nor prohibited from doing so.? In the absence of group agreement, individuals can make their own purchases and sign their own cards.? A grudgingly given gift would hardly be in the holiday spirit.

Want to improve communication with your manager?? Check out 10 Helpful Things to Say to Your Boss.

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