Friday, August 24, 2012

How to Choose Currency Trading Software - A Guide | Finance ...

Readers to deviate from our usual review series, here?s a post that may help you choosing your preferred software for Forex or currency trading. There are various software available in the market today. The tasks start from comparing those available option. Below points will explain you how you can proceed further.

Forex platform

Like any other software selection, the features you should look in to while choosing the best out of available currency trading software are as below.


The software should be up 24/7, like the Forex market itself, your software should never sleep or face outages. Any time in the day you should be able to access the platform.If a software does not have this feature you can safely turn away from it.


Your money and your purchases should automatically be protected from fraud potential by the encryption employed in the software. A 124 bit encryption is a must to beat today?s network attackers.

Ease of use

The trading platform should be easily usable and understandable. You shouldn?t have to click too many buttons to place a purchase order or a sales order. At the same time the software should not have missing features.

Real time Quote and movement

Unless you get to see real-time price movement and your profit and loss margin a trading platform is good for nothing. This is no different from a regular stock trading platform need. You need to know every movement especially if you are a day trader.

Product Review

Always read reviews for the software. Expert review and regular user reviews are great resources to know a product feature better. Every review will either negative or positive and same product might generate good as well as bad reviews, go for the products that have best ratio of positive vs. negative reviews.

Customer Support

No matter how good a software is there will be glitches, that?s how electronics pulses work in a network, signal packets will be lost and connection will be broken at times.? When that happens a good customer service fills the gap. If you don?t get an answer even after being one hour on phone then the software platform owners have a serious problem. Customer is the king, let?s behave like a king.

Brand Name

Brand name goes a long way. Brand name brings controls and procedures to meet standards, brand name brings reliability. A better brand is always more equipped to compensate for their mistakes. They may go out of their ways to fit your needs at times.

So, your tasks do not end till you learn how to trade Forex, it can only complete when you evaluate and select the best available Forex software. We at Finance Product Reviews will bring in future reviews of forex trading platforms, setting the pace here.

Thanks for being our avid reader, let us know if you have good/bad experience with a currency trading platforms.

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