Monday, August 27, 2012

Solid Advice If You Are Finally Looking To Quit Smoking ?

When you are trying to quit smoking and feel the urge for a cigarette, have a drink of water instead. Water is wonderful for removing toxins from your body. This includes the toxins that smoking puts in your body. Have a drink of water instead of a cigarette and know that you are rinsing your body of toxins, instead of adding more.

Add exercise to your regular routine if you are trying to smoke. Physical activity can help you to deal with the nicotine cravings you will experience. Exercise can help to lessen these withdrawal symptoms. Get out and walk the dog or dig in your garden, and you will have an easier time quitting smoking.

Be sure that when you?re trying to quit smoking that you try to limit beverages that make you crave tobacco. For some people this means cutting back on coffee or alcohol. If you consume these drinks you might feel urges to smoke, especially with alcohol. Stay away from these things or limit your intake for a while if you?re quitting smoking.

When you are fighting the urge to smoke, go and do some exercise. Not only will your body benefit while you are keeping fit, the physical activity can help to keep the urges at bay. Anything that can be used as a distraction while you are working through the crave is a great tool to use.

If you are finding that you aren?t enjoying food and drinks as much as you used to, consider quitting smoking. Smoking can cause damage to the taste buds in your mouth, meaning that you don?t recognize tastes in the same way. If you quit, your taste buds will soon recuperate, meaning you will be able to enjoy your favorite meals once again.

While part of the idea of quitting smoking is to save money, treat yourself to a reward now and again with the money that you haven?t spent on cigarettes. These treats give your something to look forward to and serve as a reminder of the things you may not have been able to buy as a smoker.

Begin walking during the times you would normally have a cigarette. This will replace the bad habit with something more positive and aid your overall health. You will miss the cigarette less if you have found another activity to replace it with. This will work especially well in the mornings and after meals.

Positive thinking makes a big difference when it comes to quitting smoking. You will be able to better conquer temptations if you recognize every day without smoking, as an achievement in itself. By keeping track of small goals, you can keep your self-esteem high and hopefully, conquer that habit for good!

Kill your nicotine addiction before you quit smoking. Talk to your doctor about any possible medicines they can prescribe that can make nicotine powerless over you. After you are on one for a while, you will find smoking having no effect on your mood. You will just stop because it does not do anything for you anymore.

As you develop your quit plan, you will also want to develop a diet plan. Quitting smoking tends to lead to weight gain for a lot of former smokers. You can avoid this by paying close attention to your diet while you quit. Drink plenty of water and follow a meal plan. If you do gain weight though, remember that gaining a few pounds is worth it, if it leads to you dropping the smoking habit.

Choose the date that you will quit and write it on the calendar. After you?ve done this, tell your friends and family. Choosing your quit date makes your goal more specific and real so that you?re more likely to take action towards it. It?s harder to change your mind once you?ve made a commitment, and other people can help support you if they know about your quit date.

If you want to quit smoking, stop buying cigarettes. It kind of goes without saying that if you don?t have cigarettes on you, it will be much more difficult to smoke. Throw away any cigarettes that are currently in your possession and make a pact with yourself not to buy any more.

Now you can say ?no?, that is if you truly want to quit smoking. The advice from this article has helped you learn to say no, not to anyone in particular but to your brain and to a substance that only causes you harm, smoke, so say no the next time you get the urge to smoke.

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